Japan generates one-third of its electricity with nuclear power. The nuclear power plants that were hit by both the earthquake and then the tsunami in Fukushima provided a good chunk of power. Now there is quite a scare going around about the radiation leaking. It's a real and serious problem for those who live within 100 kms of the nuclear plant. Those people should definitely evacuate. As for the 20 million or so people living in the Tokyo area (roughly 170 miles/270 km away), I don't believe they are putting themselves at risk by staying put. Some foreign governments are urging their citizens to return home. This is causing people to panic as they think the Japanese government is being untruthful. Now I am not saying that the Japanese Governenment (or any government) is always truthful, but I ask: Why would they lie about this? If deaths occured now or in the future from the radiation leakage, how would they be able to hide from this? This type of scaremongering is not helping anyone.
Recently some friends and family members have told me to go home. I want them to know that we are completely safe from any radiation leaks where we are. I do appreciate that they are thinking of our safety and well-being but we are more than 225 miles (350 km) from the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. This is a good video explaining the nuclear reactor situation in a way that even I can understand. It's in Japanese with English sub-titles on the bottom.
We'll never be completely safe from earthquakes here but I face that same danger in my home-state of California. There have already been literally 100's of aftershocks and more than 10 earthquakes that registered higher than 6.0 magnitude after the "big" one that registered 9.0. Each one brings a sick feeling to my stomach and images of the destruction I've been watching on the news. After another month or two, things will calm down (earthquake-wise) and my body will stop feeling the movement that it does sometimes even when things aren't shaking.
Recently some friends and family members have told me to go home. I want them to know that we are completely safe from any radiation leaks where we are. I do appreciate that they are thinking of our safety and well-being but we are more than 225 miles (350 km) from the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. This is a good video explaining the nuclear reactor situation in a way that even I can understand. It's in Japanese with English sub-titles on the bottom.
We'll never be completely safe from earthquakes here but I face that same danger in my home-state of California. There have already been literally 100's of aftershocks and more than 10 earthquakes that registered higher than 6.0 magnitude after the "big" one that registered 9.0. Each one brings a sick feeling to my stomach and images of the destruction I've been watching on the news. After another month or two, things will calm down (earthquake-wise) and my body will stop feeling the movement that it does sometimes even when things aren't shaking.

Thank you for the post. W will still worry about you and your family. But we trust you and respect your decisions. No one should doubt their faith-it is what sent you their in the first place! Much love is being sent in your direction from your family and friends. God bless you and everyone no matter how far their are from the reactor or the flood.
Conrad, Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it is reassuring. I will be going to Odawara in May with my 2 boys to see their Obachan.
No one could have written this more eloquently and with as much passion as you, Conrad. Your commitment to and unwavering faith in your co-workers, students, peers, and Japan as a whole is inspiring. You said what you felt and I don't think there's a single, solitary person whose perseverance in the face of adversity and such tragedy could express such feelings (and honesty) with the same grace and modesty as you. I am SO HAPPY that you and your young family are (for now) safe, out of harm's way, and most importantly - - together. Bless your hearts' :)
Con - well written post. I didn't think you had it in you. Be safe!
Well said, Conrad. Thank you for your patience, wisdom, and love for all the people of our beautiful world.
Your comments are so nice, thank you!
Funny but informative Youtube link. Thanks.
Did you know Channel 6 in Sacramento has been showing NHK Newsline, in English? I'd never watched it until the earthquake, but it's had good explanations.
I will never forget that and want to forget that.
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