But it never fails that around this time,
(the American Thanksgiving holidays) I get a little home-sick.
This is because "Turkey" day is always held at my parents' house. My relatives gather and all bring a delicious home-made dish to share and my mother even roasts a turkey - errr, actually she buys one. She doesn't cook much these days. :)

My dad barbecues steak, chicken and salmon outside. It makes my mouth water just to think about it. Thanksgiving at my house is a time to sit around and EAT and eat some more, watch (American) football, play poker (a family tradition!), and maybe shoot some hoop out in the backyard.
Thanksgiving was first celebrated by the pilgrims and the Indians in 1621; their first celebration lasted for 3 days. Nowadays it is held on the 4th Thursday of November and is the 2nd most popular holiday (after x-mas) in the United States.
I'm writing this on Friday, November 23. It's 9:30am here which makes it 5:30pm, Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) in California. My mother asks me every year if we celebrate Thanksgiving in Japan too. I always say "No, that's an American holiday". But November 23 here is a National Holiday called "Thanksgiving Labor Day". This is the modern name for the rice harvest festival that is believed to have started in November, 678. So whether you're in Japan or America, hope you're enjoying your long weekend. And since this is "Thanksgiving Day", I do wish to thank all (5!) of you who read this. :)
I'm writing this on Friday, November 23. It's 9:30am here which makes it 5:30pm, Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) in California. My mother asks me every year if we celebrate Thanksgiving in Japan too. I always say "No, that's an American holiday". But November 23 here is a National Holiday called "Thanksgiving Labor Day". This is the modern name for the rice harvest festival that is believed to have started in November, 678. So whether you're in Japan or America, hope you're enjoying your long weekend. And since this is "Thanksgiving Day", I do wish to thank all (5!) of you who read this. :)