Every month I wonder what to write. I usually can't think of anything until the last moment and as you can see it's the last day of June and I'm finally writing this month's entry. So this month is just going to be a hodgepodge. I write this Blog in hopes that a few of my friends/relatives back in CA can catch a glimpse of what's going on in my life here in Japan and for my students so they can hopefully learn a new word/idiom (eg. hodgepodge) and also find out something new about me too. Before starting this Blog almost 2 years ago, I had been keeping a journal. I started writing this journal as a homework assignment when I was in the 6th grade at Davis Elementary School. I continued to write in it every couple of months and usually just wrote gossipy stuff like who I was in love with or what my friends were up to. Then it evolved into marking down milestones in my life such as graduation, getting my first car (Honda Prelude), moving down to Long Beach for college, etc. Later I'd write about Japan, my travels, a friend getting married, a relative passing away or a birthday.

Which reminds me, this month was my dad's (6/20), my wife's (6/25) and my grandfather's (6/29) birthdays.
Yesterday, my grandpa turned 99 years old! We plan to go back next summer to celebrate his 100th.
Anyway, going back to the title of this post, basically I just picked it because the 2 words sounded good together. And as I was having trouble thinking of what to write, I thought it made sense. Actually I do enjoy doing this Blog, especially after I've finished writing it. :) And to be honest, I guess I write this Blog for myself too. It gives me a chance to reflect on what's happening now, remember something from the past and to think about what lies ahead.