"Time flies when you're having fun"! It's hard to believe it has already been 5 years of marriage. I know it's very short compared to many of you but it's the first milestone in our early marriage career. Sometimes I'm asked how being in an "international marriage" is. Well, I think that all marriages take a huge amount of work and effort and compromise and love regardless of who the 2 partners are.
Thinking back to our wedding reception in Stockton, I have so many fond memories. When else can you have all your family and friends together to celebrate "love". Aki was glowing in her white wedding dress and her excellent speech in English surprised me. My speech, on the other hand, was mediocre to bad. A lesson learned in "ad-libbing". So allow me to give another heartfelt "Thank you" to all our friends and relatives who drove (or flew) from as far away as LA. We both were so happy that you could help make our day (March 28) so memorable.
I promised my wife that on our 5 or 10 year anniversary I'd upgrade her wedding ring. Her diamond can barely be seen by the naked eye, unlike the "rocks" that can be seen adorning the hands of my married friends' wives, haha. Anyway, it looks like she will have to wait until our 10-year anniversary for her upgrade though. :) It's interesting, here in Japan many married couples don't wear their wedding rings. I think it's a waste to spend a lot of money on something that you don't use. It's kind of like the Palm I bought a few years back and never learned how to use; I'm such a technophobe!
On the topic of wedding anniversaries, I'm happy to say that my parents will celebrate their "Golden Wedding Anniversary" next year!
Happy Wedding Anniversary Conrad-san and Aki-san, may happiness always be with you both.
all best wishes from Indonesia,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
In my case, it is 25th anniversary (silver) in this year. As you wrote, time flied. I and my wife couldn’t remember our wedding anniversary until one month later, because we were very busy with job (I) and travel (my wife). Anyway, it was lucky that both of us forgot anniversary. If one of us remembered the day, some trouble could happen. Although our wedding day has passed, we are planning to stay and have a dinner at the hotel in Yokohama to commemorate.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary! It's wooden wedding, isn't it? Did you give your wife a wooden present in addition to the upgraded ring?
Hello Teacher!
I`m Netto(Darunee).
Congratulations on your 5-year wedding anniversary!
You both so sweet and romantic,
have a happy anniversary....
hope you'll have many more!
and many may happily everyday.
Hello conrad!
I'm Yukiko Sugimoto.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
The pictures are very beautiful.
I could see that your wife loves you very much.
I became to want to marry early.
I hope to your eternal hapiness.
Good evening Conrads!
I'm your English class, Kiko Sueishi
Congratulations on your 5year wedding anniversary.
I think that you love your wife very much because your wife is so happy.
Someday I want to be loved by a lifelong partner.
So I hope to be cute.
Let's try to polish my woman skills.
Lastly, I hope you will always be as happy together as you.
Good evening teacher.
I am Takuya Ohashi.
I am so 5-year wedding anniversary for you!!!
Couple look very happy.
Your wife is cute ,and this dress suits her nicely.
Your suit is very nice ,too.
I hope you will always be as happy together as you are today.
Hello Con!
I`m Ai Kobayashi.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary!
Your wife is very beatiful and cute.
I think you and your wife are very happy.Because,conrad and Aki-san's smile is perfect!
I hope to your eternal hapiness.
Hello conrad!
I'm Yuki Takahashi.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary!!
You look so happy.
Your wife is very beautiful!
Of course,Conrad is very cool and nice,too!!
I think I want to spend married life like you and your wife.
You and she are best couples!!
I hope to your eternal love!!
Yuki Takahashi
Congratulations,your wedding anniversary!
Your wife is very beautiful and looks like kind.
I thought you're cool,because you wrote that promised to upgrade her wedding ring on our 10 year anniversary.
I want to see your happy blog when your 10 anniversary come.
I wish you every happiness.
Hiromi Enokiya
Congratulation for your fifth wedding anniversary.I enjoyed reading your writting.
I think that your wife is so happy person because she is loved very much.Surely she'll be pleased your upgrade wedding ring.
Best wishes!!
Emiri Kitayama
Hello,I'm Maho Ueno.
Congratulations on your fifth wedding anniversary!
You looks so happy.
How I envy you!
I want to get marriage and be happy like you,too.
My name is Ami Sato.Your English class student at TOKAIUNIVERSITY.
I sincerely conguratulate your
5th wedding anniversary☆〃
I saw pictures!You look very nice!
and your wife is handsome and cute
woman.I think your a very warm man.so your wife is warm,too.When I saw this blog,I want get married!
But I`d like to experience single
life for another several years.
So,I try harder and harder improve mymind!
I wish you happiness and makes many wonderful memory whith MADONNA`s song(^o^)☆ See you late.
Hi,I'm Mari(8AHK3219).
Congratulation,Conrad.Your wife is very beautiful.
My parents have been married for 25 years.
your wife is very beautiful!:)
It envies it!X(
see you next class!
Kotoe Hamasaki
I'm Ami Yanai.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary!
Teacher and Ms.Aki looks like velly velly happiness.
Ms.Aki is so beautifule!!
Also Mr.Conrads is so handsome:-)
I hope both of wonderfui life.
Hello Mr.conrad.
Congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary!!
Your wife is very beautiful.I want to married at 25 years old.
See you next class!
Aya Sekimoto
Hello,Conrad!I'm Anna Naganuma.
I bless your married life.I want to send a happy married life like you.I long for international marriage,too.I belive that you make it happy with your wife for long time.
Anna Naganuma(8AMW1126)
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